Pay my Bills, Pay my autoMOBills.....

Blank stare.........Beyonce dont pay nan one of my bills and Im a thousand % sure she aint payin this po babys bills either. SMH! Stanning just got serious! Poor girl has major self esteem issues because unless your name is Beyonce Knowles.... WHY? I bet the tattoo artist was like "SOoooo..... you want me to do what now ?"    I mean....she could've gotten away with just the icon...but this shyt here nicca . See her other tatts of Beyonce ..Click HERE  I cant even lie to myself though, there was a time I considered getting queen bee tatted on me but then I looked at my gas bill, tried to call Beyonce and then I realized I aint neva had her number..ROFL


Reggie said...

I wouldn't tattoo anyone's name on my body. I see people do it all the time and not think twice about it, particularly lovers and spouses. Lovers run off and spouses will screw your cousin....shit happens.

Cerebrally_Orgasmic said...

Technically, Bey's last name ain't even Knowles no mo'!! It's CARTER!!! ROTFL...Chile' we as a society have just GOTS to do betta!!

Cha Cha iz CaliSunKissed said...

Hey Reggie and Cerebrally... welcome ya'll.

@ Reggie, I made the mistake of tattoing my Ex husbands name on me and now I have a new husband that abhors it. Covers up are expensive though but Im working on tellin the truth about it though!

@ Cere.. chile, it sucks to be her... how you gonna explain that shyt to yo kids one day..rofl