• Joined Twitter... Follow my thick azz @ Cali_Cha... I think thats what Im supposed to say..LOL my sister told me to get followers....why for???? I dont know.
  • On the way to taking baby girl to Cheer Camp this morn, my son lost his phone and asked me to call it. Why does he have as my ringtone E40's "Stripper Pole" .... "there she goes sliding down the pole" BLANK STARE.. Im like son (11) why do you have that for your Mommies ring tone, put something more appropriate on there like "Freak-A-Leek" Petey Pablo...ahahaha...I KID I KID(kinda) AND YES I MADE HIM CHANGE IT...to a more kid friendly song.
  • Had to work today....As you can see HARDLY WORKING...POW!
  • Follow me on Twi.........
  • Husband had to work too so all I got at 4am this morning was some lunch money and a measley kiss. Could have kept the kiss...LOL
  • Basketball Head WIfe Huzzie Hoodrats Reunion show comes on tomorrow night..DONT MISS IT!
....CALI SUNKISSED AND BLOOMED ...psssst Follow me on Twitter @Cali_Cha

1 comment:

Queen of My Castle said...

LMAO @ his ring tone for you. Too darn funny.

I'll follow you if you follow me @ChantayN
